Jatáya Taylor
My name is Jatáya but everyone calls me Jay and I am 36. My friends say I am Murphy's
Law incarnate because whatever can go wrong does go wrong with me but, like the cartoon, I have just learned to roll with it. I began riding adaptive bikes in 2012 starting with a trike recumbent. After I lost my ability to pedal, I switched to handcycles in 2014.
I now been handcycling for 6 years, it is my passion and allows me to enjoy the outdoors.
I personally love to push myself and educate people. Bidii Yetu '23 provides that opportunity along with new adventures. My expectations for '23 is to complete the cross-country ride as a team, to meet other disabled people along the way and show people the benefit of physical activity. Additionally, I am excited at the opportunity to experience other countries & their respective cultures.